Implementation of modified wave digital filters using digital signal processors

K. Sozanski
9th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems  
This paper describes implementation of multirate modified lattice wave digital filters using digital signal processors. Cascaded interpolator based on bireciprocal modified lattice wave digital filters for interpolating of high quality audio signals is presented. The interpolator is implemented in ADSP-21065L digital signal processor. The methodology for this and the results are presented. The frequency response of the cascaded interpolator realized with the ADSP-21065L processor is analyzed
more » ... interpolation ratio R=8. This interpolator achieves the signal-to-noise and distortion ratio S INAD near to 90dB and the passband ripple of δ p ≈ 8⋅10 -6 dB.
doi:10.1109/icecs.2002.1046422 fatcat:ambbyy64nbglnkbrehlupdbkhm