A case of malignant melanoma in ulcerated part undergoed subtotal integumentectomy
Subtotal integumentectomyを行ったしゅ部悪性黒色腫の1例

Kazuhiro HAYASHI, Masato VEDA, Miyoko MATSUMURA, Toshihiro TAKAI, Kenta TSURU, Masamitsu ICHIHASHI
1999 Skin Cancer  
A 75-year-old female was seen in June 1997 with a 4-year history of tumor on heel of her right-foot. The ulcerated part of the tumor was biopsied in another hospital and diagnosed as malignant melanoma. When we saw her, operation scar and brownblack macule were recognized. Three months after the wide resection of the primary lesion by us, she had multiple, in-transit metastases on her right skin. We performed a subtotal integumentectomy, initially from primary operation site to knee level, then
more » ... subsequebtly from the knee to inguinal site with inguinal nodes dissection. However, three months after the subtotal integumentectomy, she developed multiple vinceral metastases and she deceased in April 1998. Although the subtotal integumentectomy is an option of treatment of in-transit metastasis of malignant melanoma, we think the validity should be evaluated by increasing cases treated with this procedure.
doi:10.5227/skincancer.14.57 fatcat:x56vcijpkzeo5llmnlcdnte7ze