The Effect of Savings and Loan Cooperative Credit on Increasing Income of Damai Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP) Members, Gangga District, North Lombok Regency

Handoyo Wirastomo, Sulhan Hadi
The Damai Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP) is one of the savings and loan cooperatives in the North Lombok district. The main activities of savings and loan cooperatives are providing loans to members with an interest of 2% of the remaining principal of the loan, recording of financial receipts and expenditures has been carried out properly. Every financial receipt and expenditure has been proven and recorded in cash out and in. The Damai Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) is a cooperative
more » ... at lends money to civil servants (PNS) and is returned by deducting employee salaries through a salary kit. This study aims to determine the effect of credit savings and loan cooperatives on increasing the income of members of the Damai savings and loan cooperative (KSP) in Gangga sub-district, North Lombok district. This research is a quantitative research. The variables of this research are savings and loan credit and the income of members of savings and loan cooperatives. The data source used in this study is the primary data source. The data collection technique used consisted of observation, interviews / interviews, documentation, literature study, questionnaires. The population in this study amounted to 267 people. And the sample in this study amounted to 50 people.
doi:10.31764/jabb.v2i1.5361 fatcat:kvytow66lragvokmfjskjw2uki