An Immersive Journey through Flawed Technology: Users' Perceptions of VR in Journalism

Alexander Godulla, Rosanna Planer, Cornelia Wolf, Annika Lück, Fiona Vaaßen
2021 Journalism and Media  
Virtual reality (VR) has had the reputation of being a revolutionising technology ever since it emerged in the early 1960s, but virtual is not yet a successful reality in journalistic practice. Examining VR's current situation and the factors preventing it from reaching its predicted potential in digital journalism, this paper analyses the user comments (n = 770) on 15 journalistic VR apps offered by media organizations, with the help of a qualitative-reductive content analysis. Deductive
more » ... ries of analysis contain the constructs of immersion, emotion, usability, and utility, which are further specified by inductive subcategories in the course of the analysis. Results show that users positively highlight different aspects of emotion and immersion that the VR apps elicit, and criticize journalistic VR apps for their low levels of utility and usability. Implications for journalistic practice and research are subsequently drawn.
doi:10.3390/journalmedia2030027 fatcat:bthgysboa5axrlmag2hlqiv5qq