Plan of large-scale shaking table tests using E-Defense for liquefaction of reclaimed ground

Kazuo Tani
2016 Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication  
Development of effective and economical technologies to evaluate liquefaction potentials and to prevent liquefaction damages is one of the most pressing issues, which were strongly addressed by the Japanese Geotechnical Society after the serious liquefaction damages occurred in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. In this paper, a series of large-scale shaking table tests is proposed to obtain the valuable database of case histories for the theme of liquefaction of young reclaimed ground. Using the
more » ... largest shaking table facility called E-Defense, this plan aims the new idea of 'prototype tests' rather than the conventional 'model tests'.
doi:10.3208/jgssp.jpn-004 fatcat:blpu5vq47jcdfd6qpjipoclmde