Enhancing Collection Tree Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

Dixit Sharma, Ramiro Liscano, Shahram Shah Heydari
2013 Procedia Computer Science  
The Collection Tree Protocol (CTP) is widely used for data collection in Wireless Sensor Network applications. However its usage has been mostly limited to static networks and previous studies indicate that the performance of standard CTP drops sharply in mobile sensor networks. In this paper, we first show that CTP outperforms standard MANET routing protocols in these scenarios. Then, we propose an enhancement to CTP, named Fixed-Node Aided CTP (FNA-CTP) to further improve the performance of
more » ... P in mobile sensor networks. We use simulation results to show the superior performance of FNA-CTP in mobile environments and discuss various design issues associated with this scheme.
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2013.09.055 fatcat:qpya2e4n3zazfhq2pvrp3qjtbu