Differentiation of T cells from immature precursors in murine T cell colonies

L M Ching, S Muraoka, R G Miller
1981 Journal of Immunology  
We describe a system for growing murine colonies containing subsets of functional T cells derived from immature T cell precursors. In contrast with previously described systems in which colony formation appears to depend upon activation and clonal expansion of mature T cells, we obtain comparable or increased numbers of colonies after depletion of T cells from spleen or bone marrow, or on culturing spleen or bone marrow from athymic nude mice. The proportion of cells expressing the T cell
more » ... e markers Thy-1, Lyt-1, and Lyt-2 is highly variable from colony to colony, consistent with the colonies arising from immature T cells, which differentiate in the colonies to give rise to various subsets of mature T cells.
doi:10.4049/jimmunol.127.5.2156 fatcat:l2vbmqsqxrfo5f2nqyo4p7ifaq