Combining ability and Heterosis analysis for grain yield and yield associated traits in Pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Nageshwar ., Bijendra Kumar, Hariom Suman, A. H. Madakemohekar, Dattesh Tamatam
2018 Legume Research An International Journal  
This experiment was conducted to determine the general and specific combining abilities and heterosis for grain yield and yield associated traits in pea as a source of protein through line x tester analysis. Grain yield and its inheritance were carried out for investigation through a 12 x 3 line x tester analysis. Experimental materials comprising 15 parents and their 36 hybrids. The materials were planted in a randomized block design with three replications. The general combining ability and
more » ... ecific combining ability effects were significant indicating the presence of both additive and non-additive types of gene actions. Heterosis was determined as the superiority over mid parent heterosis as well as better parent (HBP). Grain yield showed highly significant heterosis ranging from -36.29 to 8.77and relative heterosis ranged from -25.85 to 13.19 respectively.
doi:10.18805/lr-3955 fatcat:r6dmlqn23jacpiqamqqeljekym