Attitudes toward organic products: a cross-national comparison and scale validation

Francisco Sarabia-Andreu, Francisco J. Sarabia-Sanchez, María Concepción Parra-Meroño, Pablo Moreno-Albaladejo
2020 Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC  
Purpose This study aims to examine the formal and metric properties of Gil et al.'s (2000) scale of attitudes toward organic products, which is the most popular scale to measure these attitudes. Design/methodology/approach The sample consisted of 4,992 household shoppers living in Hong Kong, Germany, Norway, Spain and the UK. The questionnaire was distributed using a third-party consumer panel, and the fieldwork was conducted using computer-assisted Web interviewing. The approach was based on
more » ... nfirmatory factor analysis and measurement of invariance, as well as format analysis using a wording-syntactic and semantic descriptive method. Findings The scale reflects an attitude-toward-object model approach. Its use has been heavily varied (in terms of wording, item semantics and the attributes to be measured). A two-factor structure that meets the metric conditions (reliability and validity) is found. However, the analysis of invariance shows that the scale behaves differently in different countries. Research limitations/implications This scale offers a good starting point for measuring attitudes toward organic products. However, it requires refinement to adapt to consumer evolution and improve its metric validity. Verification of its applicability in cross-national studies is recommended. Originality/value To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study that assesses the format and quantitative characteristics of this scale on a cross-national level. For scholars and companies with international interests, preventing the use of scales with poor properties at the transnational level can improve the design of future studies and save money through a more informed choice of attitudinal scale.
doi:10.1108/sjme-10-2019-0084 fatcat:w4xso3idxfdq5jjrglwqrvkr4m