Características ilustrativas das representações visuais de recursos hídricos em livros didáticos de Biologia

João Paulo Cunha Menezes
2021 Revista de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática  
Visual representations are ubiquitous in science textbooks today and, in recent years, have become an object of criticism and evaluation. Thus, this article aimed to evaluate the visual representations about water resources presented in all the Biology textbook collections suggested by the 2018 National Textbook and Teaching Material Program for High School. The books were analyzed as proposed by Gkitzia and collaborators who analyzed in detail the visual representations in textbooks. The
more » ... s found indicate that the analyzed works presented visual representations, for the most part, adequate. The limiting factor was the degree to which the images related to the information contained in the text, since they did not mention or partially mentioned the images in the chapter.
doi:10.26843/rencima.v12n3a30 fatcat:7p6ejeqjb5a7bfmwmxoxrnygyu