D7.4: Evaluation of Tools and Techniques for Future Exascale Systems
Buket Benek Gursoy, Michael Browne, Michael Lysaght
The objective of the PRACE-4IP Work Package 7 (WP7) 'Application Enabling and Support' is to provide enabling support for High Performance Computing (HPC) applications codes, to ensure that these applications can effectively exploit multi-petaflop systems and future PRACE Exascale systems. The Task 7.2a, within WP7, 'Preparing for Future PRACE Exascale Systems' aims to investigate the various programming tools, languages, libraries and algorithms needed for future Exascale systems through an
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... lysis and exploitation phase. In this deliverable, we report on the exploitation of state-of-the-art HPC tools and techniques on different codes that are of interest to the European scientific and engineering research community, and where possible, with a focus on European Centres of Excellence (CoEs) interests and requirements. In this sense, the report here follows on naturally from deliverable D7.3, 'Inventory of Exascale Tools and Techniques', which represented the first phase of activity in T7.2a. Much of the exploitation work reported on here, was inspired by the comprehensive and in-depth analysis of European CoE requirements and state-of-the-art HPC tools and techniques as reported in D7.3 (as well as D7.2.1 in PRACE-3IP). We focus on five separate topics that we have identified as being important to enable European applications on the road to exascale, and which mirror four of the topics reported on in the survey of D7.3. These fours topics are: Programming Models, Scalable Libraries and Algorithms, Debuggers and Profilers and I/O Management Techniques. The fifth topic we have chosen to focus on is Energy Efficiency, which is becoming an increasingly relevant consideration on deep-petascale systems, and will become an even greater challenge to contend with on future European extreme-scale systems. In particular, we see the need for an increased focus on energy efficient computing within WP7 in PRACE-5IP in order to take full advantage of the solutions being delivered as part of the final phase of the PRACE [...]