A Quantitative Nonradial Oscillation Model for the Subpulses in PSR B0943+10

R. Rosen, J. Christopher Clemens
2008 Astrophysical Journal  
In this paper, we analyze time series measurements of PSR B0943+10 and fit them with a non-radial oscillation model. The model we apply was first developed for total intensity measurements in an earlier paper, and expanded to encompass linear polarization in a companion paper to this one. We use PSR B0943+10 for the initial tests of our model because it has a simple geometry, it has been exhaustively studied in the literature, and its behavior is well-documented. As prelude to quantitative
more » ... ng, we have reanalyzed previously published archival data of PSR B0943+10 and uncovered subtle but significant behavior that is difficult to explain in the framework of the drifting spark model. Our fits of a non-radial oscillation model are able to successfully reproduce the observed behavior in this pulsar.
doi:10.1086/587476 fatcat:pxccpotwg5d7paloc7tzptvte4