Work Motivation among Secondary School Teachers

Aneet Kumar
2017 IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies  
The purpose of the study was to explore the work motivation among secondary school teachers. The table revealed that 23.67% secondary school teachers have low level of work motivation, 47% secondary school teachers have average level of work motivation and 29.33% secondary school teachers have high level of work motivation. 20% female teachers have low level of work motivation, 48% female teachers have average level of work motivation and 32% female secondary school teachers have high level of
more » ... ork motivation. Similarly 27.33% male secondary school teachers have low level of work motivation, 46% male secondary school teachers have average level of work motivation and 26.67% male secondary school teachers have high level of work motivation. 12% government secondary school teachers have low level of work motivation, 49.33% government secondary school teachers have average level of work motivation and 16% government secondary school teachers have high level of work motivation. Similarly 35.33% private secondary school teachers have low level of work motivation, 44.67% private secondary school teachers have average level of work motivation and 20% private secondary school teachers have high level of work motivation. There was no significant difference in the work motivation of male and female secondary school teachers. There was significant difference in the work motivation of government and private secondary school teachers.
doi:10.21013/jems.v7.n2.p14 fatcat:qc6rflqy7rd6tetjk7afucs2pu