Designing an E-Learning Course for Seniors(Global Supply Chain Management)

Stuart Healey, Yasuhiro Iijima
2007 Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association  
The widescale retirement of Japanese workers in 2007, known as the "2007 Problem," will precipitate the loss of an unprccedented amount of intellectual capital frem the Japanese wotkforce, threatening the future viability of many organisations. The use of information and cemmunication technology (ICT) has been proposed as a tool to suppert knowledgeretention management techniques, however, rnany seniors reject ICT use. This paper discusses the conceptual framework and busic architecture ofan
more » ... skills course directed at seniors (RASOLEARN), undcrpinned by a pedagQgical model that seeks to meet and sustain seniors' 'intrinsie motivation.' E-leaming was chosen as the platform for IIASOLEARN because of its capacity to reach older people precluded ftom 'bricks-and-rnortar' classes by distance, lack Df transport or physical infirmity, and also because ofthe 'selfleducation' freedom it gives older people with a low sense ofeencacy in ICT education. Based on a survey condueted at Kanazawa City's 'Ikigai IT Centre' (ilC), an ICT education facility for Kanazawa Tesidents aged over 55, we found that the IIASOLEARN ¢ ontents impacted IIC members' motivation levels and perveived effectiveness and usefulness ofthe course, It also revealed gender-based differences in motivation ievels.
doi:10.11221/jima.57.530 fatcat:t2d3fktu2jc6lo7wzyqm7zg2zu