Exploring for oil with nuclear physics

Marie-Laure Mauborgne, Françoise Allioli, Chris Stoller, Mike Evans, Mauro Manclossi, Luisa Nicoletti, A. Plompen, F.-J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky (+2 others)
2017 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Oilfield service companies help identify and assess reserves and future production for oil and gas reservoirs, by providing petrophysical information on rock formations. Some parameters of interest are the fraction of pore space in the rock, the quantity of oil or gas contained in the pores, the lithology or composition of the rock matrix, and the ease with which fluids flow through the rock, i.e. its permeability. Downhole logging tools acquire various measurements based on electromagnetic,
more » ... ustic, magnetic resonance and nuclear physics to determine properties of the subsurface formation surrounding the wellbore. This introduction to nuclear measurements applied in the oil and gas industry reviews the most advanced nuclear measurements currently in use, including capture and inelastic gamma ray spectroscopy, neutrongamma density, thermal neutron capture cross section, natural gamma ray, gamma-gamma density, and neutron porosity. A brief description of the technical challenges associated with deploying nuclear technology in the extreme environmental conditions of an oil well is also presented.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/201714609009 fatcat:dc3kexd6yvgvpjsodgr55e24qy