A comprehensive insight towards Pre-processing Methodologies applied on GPS data

R. Prabha, Mohan G Kabadi
2020 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)  
Reliability in the utilization of the Global Positioning System (GPS) data demands a higher degree of accuracy with respect to time and positional information required by the user. However, various extrinsic and intrinsic parameters disrupt the data transmission phenomenon from GPS satellite to GPS receiver which always questions the trustworthiness of such data. Therefore, this manuscript offers a comprehensive insight into the data preprocessing methodologies evolved and adopted by
more » ... researchers. The discussion is carried out with respect to standard methods of data cleaning as well as diversified existing research-based approaches. The review finds that irrespective of a good number of work carried out to address the problem of data cleaning, there are critical loopholes in almost all the existing studies. The paper extracts open end research problems as well as it also offers an evidential insight using use-cases where it is found that still there is a critical need to investigate data cleaning methods.
doi:10.11591/ijece.v10i3.pp2742-2754 fatcat:gkpic6ocsfexlldubgnxmqixke