Melasma: A Cosmetic Stigma During Pregnancy

Goglia L Bernacchi G
2015 Journal of Pigmentary Disorders  
Recent studies suggest that estrogens exert their effect in the skin Abstract Melasma represents the most common pigmentary disorder occurring in pregnancy. It mainly consists in a hyperpigmentation of the face and neck, due to an alteration of melanocytes' density and of melanin's concentration. At first sight it may appear to be a minor clinical condition, without vital risk, but clinicians consider it as an important cosmetic stigma difficult to treat and that may cause great emotional suffering. Jou rn a l o f Pi gmentar y D is o rd ers
doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000s1007 fatcat:n633zbvdfzbsjetg6nkpgz25vi