Optimization of a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem for Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Collection Management Using the PSO-TS Algorithm

Qingqing Qiao, Fengming Tao, Hailin Wu, Xuewei Yu, Mengjun Zhang
2020 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
Sustainable management of municipal solid waste (MSW) collection has been of increasing concern in terms of its economic, environmental, and social impacts in recent years. Current literature frequently studies economic and environmental dimensions, but rarely focuses on social aspects, let alone an analysis of the combination of the three abovementioned aspects. This paper considers the three benefits simultaneously, aiming at facilitating decision-making for a comprehensive solution to the
more » ... acitated vehicle routing problem in the MSW collection system, where the number and location of vehicles, depots, and disposal facilities are predetermined beforehand. Besides the traditional concerns of economic costs, this paper considers environmental issues correlated to the carbon emissions generated from burning fossil fuels, and evaluates social benefits by penalty costs which are derived from imbalanced trip assignments for disposal facilities. Then, the optimization model is proposed to minimize system costs composed of fixed costs of vehicles, fuel consumption costs, carbon emissions costs, and penalty costs. Two meta-heuristic algorithms, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and tabu search (TS), are adopted for a two-phase algorithm to obtain an efficient solution for the proposed model. A balanced solution is acquired and the results suggest a compromise between economic, environmental, and social benefits.
doi:10.3390/ijerph17062163 pmid:32213964 fatcat:4ug4ylb6hjc4dkinssuk6mjwje