Erwerbstätigkeit von Müttern in Österreich und Frankreich im Vergleich

Anna Teresa Kohlbauer
2017 unpublished
Over the last decades, demographic change became visible in the European states and was introduced through the concept of the second demographic transition. The various gender equality policies play a vital role in the development of mothers' employment, which impacts the demographic development. This diploma thesis studies sociocultural influences on a national as well as on a regional scale in Austria and France regarding the employment of mothers of pre-school children. Based on the
more » ... ns and Gender Programme, the population's attitudes towards maternal employment are analysed in a selected NUTS-3 region in each of the respective countries. In addition, the study examines the prevalence of regional differences within these national characteristics. Geographical distinctions are studied carefully regarding the variables of the second demographic transition such as the total fertility rate, the mean age of the mother at the birth of her first child and the percentage of non-martial births, whereby attitudes liberal towards equality are confronted with a progressive stance in the second demographic transition.
doi:10.25365/thesis.47925 fatcat:7xdfu5cm4zbnnajef4rr4kz4mi