The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Bet you can't Time-wasters. That's what shirts can be. Always causing you trips to the cleaners. If you wear two a day, that's fourteen a week. VY c know you're getting tired o f this back-and-forth routine. So 'Nm Distinctive Store for Men/GR 8-6636 buy just three! w e've made a purchase you're sure to appreciate. Button-down shirts in boxes o f three. Solids and stripes. Long sleeves. But most im portant, they're permanently pres sed. I hey don't get w rinkled as fast. VC hat's more, you can
more » ... ash them yourself and they'll look like they've been ironed. Come by and pick up a box or two.
doi:10.26153/tsw/30654 fatcat:oskulhhivzbqlfcbej7tgnghbi