Influenza Vaccination Rates, and Barriers to Influenza Vaccination, in People who are Homeless

Varun Amod Karnik, Laura K McCosker, Martin J Downes, Robert S Ware, Jack Kelso-Ribbe, Jeremy Hunt, Hannah Bates, Pele Toussaint
2022 Social Science Protocols  
Influenza is a highly infectious virus which is endemic in most high-income countries. People experiencing homelessness are at an increased risk of contracting influenza, and often have poorer outcomes associated with hospitalisation and mortality. Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all adults, and highly recommended for 'at-risk' groups, including people who are homeless. Despite this, the vaccination uptake within the homeless community is low. This systematic review will
more » ... influenza vaccination rates, and barriers to influenza vaccination, in people who are homeless. Methods: This review will consider primary studies about influenza vaccination in people who are homeless. Searches will be undertaken on five electronic databases and managed in EndNote X9. The literature will be screened by title/abstract, then by full-text, and citation chaining will be completed. Data about the influenza vaccination rates and barriers will be extracted. Each task, primarily the screening and extraction of data, will be completed by one researcher, and checked by at least one other. Discussion: This review will identify influenza vaccination rates, and barriers to influenza vaccination, in people experiencing homelessness. This will inform vaccination delivery and funding, and may contribute to reducing the health disparities in this at-risk, hard-to-reach population.
doi:10.7565/ssp.v5.6938 fatcat:esduobvcm5eljgjrqjhm464gj4