老年期の最適発達とその支援 -老年期の発達特性に対する臨床発達支援と地域支援の在り方-

塚原 拓馬
The present paper discusses characteristics of old age in the life cycle from a psychological perspective and examines successful aging and methods of support. First, validity of the "continuity theory" that explains successful aging from the perspective of personality theory in old age is reviewed. Next, "integration and despair," which are developmental tasks in old age are described from an existential perspective, and complexity of the process of "acceptance of death" is discussed.
more » ... re, as typical developmental diseases, depressive disorders are focused on and the importance of psychosocial approach is discussed. Based on the fi ndings from above, it is suggested that practice of clinical developmental support and the community support dynamic system suitable for developmental characteristics in old age, which includes interpersonal relationships and the community are essential for providing support. Key words: life cycle(ライフサイクル) ,successful aging(サクセスフル・エイジング) , integration of life(人生の統合) ,acceptance of death(死の受容) , depression in old age(老年期うつ病) ,clinical development(臨床発達) , community support (地域支援)
doi:10.34388/1157.00001203 fatcat:ittjom2h3bdv5bjzfubjrqeegq