TOWS Matrix Analysis to Strengthen the Scouting Program in Bhutan Karma Tenzin

Karma Tenzin, Tashi Wangchuk
2022 RABSEL  
The purpose of this study was to assess the Scouting program in Bhutan in order to identify the key issues that affect the Scouting program and recommend a workable strategy to Bhutan Scouts Association (BSA). Scouting for Bhutan is not simply a youth engagement program but a vision of the great monarchs. The Scouting program in Bhutan was initially started in response to His Majesty, the Fourth King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck's concern for youth in the face of emerging challenges for the young
more » ... ple, the future of Bhutan. His Majesty, the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck is the Patron of BSA and the Royal Patronage inspired numerous initiatives such as Scout Leadership Training Program and others that helped to revitalize Scouting in Bhutan. This paper presen1ts TOWS matrix analysis of the responses and views of different stakeholders gathered through key informant interviews (n=157), focused group discussions (n= 270), and surveys (n= 350). The analysis is carried out within the framework of strategic priorities of the World Organization of Scout Movement (WOSM). The findings suggest that the BSA has been witnessing an increasing number of dropout rates attributable to several causes such as the lack of recognition and reward; monotonous programs; time constraints; incompetent Scout leaders; and poor adult and peer support. The dropout or leakage of Scouts is noticed to be occurring mostly in transition from Nachung Scouts to Nazhoen Scouts. The proposed recommendations are aimed at fulfilling the vision and mission of BSA by addressing attrition through quality programs, enhancing the competency of leaders, and strengthening good governance practices.
doi:10.17102/rabsel.22.2.6 fatcat:7ws3ktut4feulop2s7clqohchm