Anterior Tooth Size of Formosan Aborigines

Masanori Sumi, Yoshitaka Manabe, Katsutomo Kato, Atsushi Rokutanda
1985 The Journal of the Kyushu Dental Society  
KyushuDental Society ilW・Hpaftex 39(4):503tv510, 1985. tstsffmvaoi}ttrtwo]JK< ge * ec ca-e" 6 eftsts,i) ftngJk\pa\$n%re4g,ti12ng-xeza (Sff:t.Nva k) *ftwhJk(\eeXttoskmaJf(l}tssew\ffta\IN} ft E ue ・# an X Z *"" et ];E SI]・JE.t !iZ H re mait60ffl 6 H 25 H et tt The mesiodistal and labiolingual diameters ef the anterior teeth in Ami and Bunun tribes of Formosan aborigines were measured. Sex and tribe differences in these measurements and some indices calculated from these measurements were compared
more » ... and studied. The results were summarized as follows: I. Sex difference 1. The crown diameters were larger for male than for female for both Ami and Bunun, showing significant sex difference. 2. The length-breadth indices, excluding those of Ami I2 and Bunun C', were higher for male than for female. However, no significant difference was seen. 3. The reductive indices were smaller for male than for female, except for the mesiodiatal and labiolingual diameters of Bunun upper teeth. Significant sex difference was seen in the labiolingual diameter of Ami lower teeth. II. Tribe difference 1. The crown diameters were generally smaller for Ami than for Bunun. Significant tribe difference was seen in the mesiodistal diameter of male
doi:10.2504/kds.39.503 fatcat:nmfbwjbt4rexdfsi7oh44dqv4a