Underwater acoustic sparse aperture system performance: Using transmitter channel state information for multipath & interference rejection

Andrew Puryear, Lisa J. Burton, Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux, Vincent W.S. Chan
2009 OCEANS 2009-EUROPE  
Today's situational awareness requirements in the undersea environment present severe challenges for acoustic communication systems. Acoustic propagation through the ocean environment severely limits the capacity of existing underwater communication systems. Specifically, the presence of internal waves coupled with the ocean sound channel creates a stochastic field that introduces deep fades and significant intersymbol interference (ISI) thereby limiting reliable communication to low data
more » ... In this paper we present a communication architecture that optimally predistorts the acoustic wave via spatial modulation and detects the acoustic wave with optimal spatial recombination to maximize reliable information throughput. This effectively allows the system to allocate its power to the most efficient propagation modes while mitigating ISI. Channel state information is available to the transmitter through low rate feedback. New results include the asymptotic distribution of singular values for a large number of apertures. Further, we present spatial modulation at the transmitter and spatial recombination at the receiver that asymptotically minimize bit error rate (BER). We show that, in many applications, the number of apertures can be made large enough so that asymptotic results approximate finite results well. Additionally, we show that the interference noise power is reduced proportional to the inverse of the number of receive apertures. Finally, we calculate the asymptotic BER for the sparse aperture acoustic system.
doi:10.1109/oceanse.2009.5278156 fatcat:67di7m5goraz5hryml5565cffi