Analysis and Research on the Stress of All-lightweight Aggregate Concrete Shear Wall with Different Reinforcement Forms

Yanmin Yang, Xiaoyu Wang, Runtao Zhang
2015 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation 2015   unpublished
In order to study the stress and seismic performance of all-lightweight aggregate concrete shear wall under different reinforcement forms,two shear walls were tested under low reversed cyclic loading.The influence of different reinforcement forms on the mechanical properties and seismic performance of the shear wall was compared,which provided a theoretical basis for the practical application of the all-lightweight aggregate concrete shear wall.The test results show that the structure of the
more » ... ly reinforced concrete shear wall with diagonal brace,compared with ordinary reinforced shear wall,has better mechanical performance and has obviously improved in seismic performance.
doi:10.2991/iccet-15.2015.280 fatcat:vts527z5nndsteizsad7iwsuki