Deep and disturbed: conditions for formation and eruption of a mingled rhyolite at Ascension Island, south Atlantic

Katy Chamberlain, Jenni Barclay, Katie Preece, Richard Brown, Iona McIntosh, EIMF
2020 Volcanica  
The generation of felsic melts (through open or closed system processes) within ocean island volcanoes has been a key area of study since their identification. At Ascension Island in the south Atlantic, explosively erupted felsic melts have, to date, demonstrated a marked absence of signs of magma mixing and crustal assimilation. Here we present the first observations of a fall deposit from Ascension Island recording both macro-and micro-scale evidence for magma mingling. Geochemical analyses
more » ... mineral and glass phases, coupled with volatile concentrations of melt inclusions highlight the role of lower-crustal partial melting to produce rhyolitic magmas. Glass textures and the lack of zoning in major mineral phases indicate that mingling with a mafic melt occurred shortly prior to eruption. These inferences of a deep rhyolite production zone, coupled with rapid ascent rates highlight the challenges in forecasting a similar style of eruption at Ascension Island in the future.
doi:10.30909/vol.03.01.139153 fatcat:z63lym2ufjbnlavle5whi2w2vu