Tour into the picture

Youichi Horry, Ken-Ichi Anjyo, Kiyoshi Arai
1997 Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH '97  
A new method called TIP (Tour Into the Picture) is presented for easily making animations from one 2D picture or photograph of a scene. In TIP, animation is created from the viewpoint of a camera which can be three-dimensionally "walked or flownthrough" the 2D picture or photograph. To make such animation, conventional computer vision techniques cannot be applied in the 3D modeling process for the scene, using only a single 2D image. Instead a spidery mesh is employed in our method to obtain a
more » ... imple scene model from the 2D image of the scene using a graphical user interface. Animation is thus easily generated without the need of multiple 2D images. Unlike existing methods, our method is not intended to construct a precise 3D scene model. The scene model is rather simple, and not fully 3D-structured. The modeling process starts by specifying the vanishing point in the 2D image. The background in the scene model then consists of at most five rectangles, whereas hierarchical polygons are used as a model for each foreground object. Furthermore a virtual camera is moved around the 3D scene model, with the viewing angle being freely controlled. This process is easily and effectively performed using the spidery mesh interface. We have obtained a wide variety of animated scenes which demonstrate the efficiency of TIP.
doi:10.1145/258734.258854 dblp:conf/siggraph/HorryAA97 fatcat:fxwevwccszhlvjzftzpae2zrza