Steady-state Operation Area of VSC-HVDC Converter Station Connecting Renewable Energy Cluster by Isolated Network

Wenyuan Xian, Ran Ding, Ying Qiao, Zongxiang Lu, Shangqiang Li, Hong Lin, E. Sutheerasak, M.L. Kolhe, M. Popescu, H. Li, J. Cale, S. Mirsaeidi (+1 others)
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
When the large-scale renewable power island is connected to VSC-HVDC transmission system, we should figure out the steady-state operation area of VSC-HVDC converter station. Based on the equivalent model of renewable energy island, the constraints of VSC-HVDC converter station are analyzed, and a fast method for calculating steady-state operation area of converter station is presented in this paper. The influence of equivalent line impedance of renewable energy island, transformer ratio of
more » ... rter station and voltage setting value of grid-connected point on steady-state operation area of converter station is analyzed. And the three-dimensional view of the steady-state operation area of the converter station under different grid-connected voltage is depicted.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202018202003 fatcat:pg4hhrmesnfu3ah6fkujbmstt4