Recent American Locomotives

1910 Scientific American  
AN ENG LI SH V lEW POI N T. Two interesting 'American locomotives of special de sign built in ] 909 are three-cylinder and four-cylinder simple engines, both of the 4-4-2 class for passenger service. The three-cylinder engine of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway has cylinders 18lh inches by 24 inches, and driving wheels 6 feet 8 inches diameter. The Walschaerts valve gear is used for the outside cylinders, and the Joy valve gear for the inside cylin der. The fire box is 6 feet by 9 feet.
more » ... engine weighs 103 tons, with 56 tons on the drivin' g wheels. 'rhe four-c-y ' linder simple balanced engine of the Chi cago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway has four cylin ders ] 7% jnches by 26 inches all connected to the first driving axle. The steam distribution on each side is plIected by two piston valves on a single valve stem, so that there is no complication in valve gears, each side
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican06251910-402supp fatcat:ve7bc2p3wje3bacfhrxldqpnze