The Redshift-Magnitude Relation for Radio Galaxies [chapter]

Harding E. Smith
1977 Radio Astronomy and Cosmology  
We examine the Hubble diagram for radio galaxies and compare radio galaxies and first-ranked cluster galaxies as cosmological test objects. Radio source identification programs are now producing reliable identifications with galaxies as faint as ^V^-23 and spectroscopy of these objects has already resulted in the discovery of galaxies with redshifts as high as 0. 75, thus there are great expectations for progress in the near future. As in the past, indeterminate corrections, notably luminosity
more » ... volution and a possible correlation between radio power and optical luminosity, preclude the determination of q 0 .
doi:10.1007/978-94-010-1260-7_29 fatcat:iefuznxbeffxvlgfzfb22d7nhu