Key Features of E-Tailer Shops in Adaptation to Cross-Border E-Commerce in the EU

Artur Strzelecki
2019 Sustainability  
This study attempts to determine the most important features of e-tailer shops regarding their adaptation of cross-border e-commerce. The open market in the European Union (EU) encourages consumers to make cross-border purchases. The aim of the paper is to determine which features are important for customers and should therefore be taken into consideration by e-tailers when providing their services. The paper is based on a study conducted in Poland. Polish e-commerce stores are broadening their
more » ... market opportunities to other European countries. The study included 30 Polish e-tailers from the household goods sector (e.g., TVs, computers, washing machines, etc.). The theory is grounded in online shopping and website analysis. The author found that not all key features of e-tailer shops in the observed industry sector were developed in websites; some online shops lacked these features. A limitation is that the observation was conducted in only one country and industry sector. However, the sector studied represents the majority of online shops and the industry was the subject of the study. Research shows which features of online shops are important for customers who make cross-border e-commerce. Originality and contribution are based on the identification, analysis, and results of the features to adjust in the European cross-border e-commerce.
doi:10.3390/su11061589 fatcat:sfwt6iz6ajfspe433hzj5zkk2m