Use of oxygen-ozone therapy in the treatment of fibromyalgia

Rossella Balestrero, Marianno Franzini, Luigi Valdenassi
2017 Ozone Therapy  
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a pathology that is manifested by a spectrum of heterogeneous symptoms that are difficult to frame, from both a diagnostic and therapeutic point of view. On one hand, the clinical features are highly variable, and on the other, the pathophysiology has yet to be fully clarified. This paper aims to highlight how oxygen ozone – administered using a precise protocol from the Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy – is able to act on several levels of the pathophysiology of
more » ... M by virtue of its intrinsic biochemical mechanisms, making it a viable option for treating the disease. The following case study – a 45 year old woman who came to our attention due to diffuse pain and a feeling of general tiredness – responded positively to a standard treatment with oxygen-ozone therapy delivered via bi-weekly sessions, for a total of 12 sessions from September to October 2016. The treatment was followed by a maintenance therapy of about one session a month. One month after the end of the 12 sessions, the patient reported a significant improvement in pain, mood, and a significant reduction in fatigue, a new feeling of well-being and an improved quality of sleep. In the light of these results, oxygen-ozone therapy emerges as a viable therapeutic option for the treatment of FM patients.
doi:10.4081/ozone.2017.6744 fatcat:i5ikyhheerfkjdrgf6zgjc77ta