An Appraisal of Ozone Layer Depletion and Its Implication on the Human Environment

2019 Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization  
Ozone layer depletion is a reality which poses threat to human survival if not curtail. However, it has received international attention and cooperation in which nation states have come up with series of conventions and protocols. It is no more gainsaying that the protection of the environment is a duty of all as no one can be left behind.This paper examines the ozone depletion substance, the impacts and implications of ozone layer depletion on human health and environment, and possible
more » ... on out of the challenges. The methodology adopted is basically doctrinal with primary sources from various international instruments relating to ozone layer depletions. The secondary sources are mainly from articles in journals, commentaries and online publications.It is our humble conclusion that ozone layer protection is a global and continuous assignment in which all hands must be on deck in order to meet the desirable target. The international communities' cooperation in this regard is commendable.
doi:10.7176/jlpg/83-02 fatcat:zhndrgw76rb23cr2776kbk55ie