Ignition of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon fuel in supersonic flow by means of plasma generator

D A Yarantsev, A A Firsov, E V Dolgov, K V Savelkin, V A Talyzin, A A Nikolaev, O V Voloshenko
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The paper describes experimental research of the surface electrical discharge influence on the ignition and combustion of the gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon fuel in supersonic airflow without mechanical flameholders. Electrodes of plasma generator are integrated with injectors of gaseous fuel. Tests were carried out on the experimental setup T131B in TsAGI. Diagnostics includes schlieren visualization, measurements of pressure distribution and discharge voltage/current. It is shown that new
more » ... me of plasma generation and pilot fuel injection is rather effective and provides ignition of liquid hydrocarbon fuel in hot supersonic airflow ( 0 =750 K) and ethylene ignition in cold ( 0 =300 K) supersonic airflow.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1394/1/012014 fatcat:op4xutdd2bg6hcv7qwqspvny6a