Renormalization in coupled-abelian self-dual Chern-Simons models

Gerald Dunne, Theodore Hall
1997 Physics Letters B  
An algebraic restriction of the nonabelian self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs systems leads to coupled-abelian self-dual models with intricate mass spectra. The vacua are characterized by embeddings of SU(2) into the gauge algebra; and in the broken phases, the gauge and real scalar masses are related to the exponents of the gauge algebra. In this paper we compute the gauge-gauge-Higgs couplings in the broken phases and use this to compute the finite renormalizations of the Chern-Simons coefficient in the various vacua.
doi:10.1016/s0370-2693(96)01541-9 fatcat:d2sglytnirei7idb5zzasj2yaa