Karol Marks i marksizm w refleksjach Adama Ciołkosza — emigracyjnego socjalisty demokratycznego

Lilla Barbara Paszkiewicz
2018 Wrocławskie Studia Politologiczne  
Karl Marx and Marxism in the refl ections of Adam Ciołkosz — emigratory democratic socialistAdam Ciołkosz belongs to the most significant figures of the socialist movement. His political and journalistic activity in the interwar period is only known partially. Only his emigration stay in the United Kingdom in the years 1940–1978 resulted in dynamic development and political activity.Because he was an authentic democratic socialist, he used to protest against communistic ideology. The analysis
more » ... his rich work permits to notice some innovative changes, which took place in the last halfcentury in the European and Polish socialist movement.Since A. Ciołkosz was inspired by those changes, he dwelled on the authentic role of Carl Marx in the labour movement as well as his influence on the development of socialist and communistic ideology.
doi:10.19195/1643-0328.25.12 fatcat:kk5dfvxegng5jndqakfuda2lca