Roni Andespa
2017 unpublished
The research in the city of Padang, West Sumatra, to analyze the difference in perception of employees by education level, years of service, and age on the variables of market orientation in the banking industry in the city of Padang, with the number of respondents 200 people, to prove the research hypotheses using Wilcoxon rank test analysis. In SPSS printout showing the value Asymp. Significant level of education, years of service, and age of the entire market orientation (customer
more » ... , competitor orientation, inter-functional coordination) variables is 0,000 (<0,05), The results showed that employees perception of banking industry in the city of Padang on the basis of level of education, years of service and age of employees are different in view of the entire market orientation variables.
doi:10.31227/osf.io/tpjk7 fatcat:5ht5c5eduvgldgreumakycbppa