Factors Affecting Uric Acid Changes in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Who Received Oral Anti Tuberculosis Therapy During One Month

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Pyazinamide (PZA) and Ethambutol (ETB) are tuberculosis drugs that can increase uric acid levels by decreasing excretion and increasing uric acid reabsorption. Increased levels of uric acid can cause arthritis, arthralgia and gout. Objective: To evaluate the association of uric acid levels with age, sex and body mass index (BMI) and arthralgia incidence. Method: The study was conducted in the lung outpatient treatment room at the Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine. Method were
more » ... ic acid levels examination before OAT administration, at week 2 and 4. Paired t tests and spearman correlation test were used to analyze the association between sex, age, BMI and arthralgia with increased uric acid levels. The incidence of hyperuricemia and arthralgia were performed in percentage. Result: Seventeen subjects consisting of 9 (52.9%) males and 8 (47.1%) females who received oral antituberculosis category 1 mostly had normal BMI prior to treatment (9 patients, 52.9%). Uric acid levels increased significantly (p <0.005) at week 2 and 4 than before Oral Anti Tuberculosis (OAT) treatment. It was found significant relationship (p <0.005) between increased uric acid levels and arthralgia with hyperuricemia incidence of 82.35% and arthralgia incidence of 35.29%. There was no significant association (p <0.005) between increased uric acid levels with sex, age and BMI. Conclusion: It was found a high incidence of hyperuricemia (82.3%) in ETB and PZA treatment while symptomatic 35.29%.
doi:10.37506/mlu.v20i2.1220 fatcat:ujznzsgajvgi5etxa527uk24m4