Validation of Standard Test Instruments to Improve Mathematical Reasoning Capabilities of Mathematics Student

Hanna Hutabarat, Erlinawaty Simanjuntak, Yasifati Hia
2019 Proceedings of the Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education, AISTSSE 2018, 18-19 October 2018, Medan, Indonesia   unpublished
The achievement of learning outcomes must certainly be measured by the presence of tests. A test instrument must represent all the learning outcomes to be obtained. Standard test are tests with a qualitative and quantitative analysis process. The test applied must be a test with a high level of validation. Based on these problems, a standard test instrument will be developed to improve student's mathematical reasoning ability. This research is an educational research and development to form
more » ... d essay tests in the form of a test instrument sheet. The preparation of the test instrument is adjusted to the indicators of the achivement based on the IQF curriculum. The validations procedure takes from the define and design steps of a 4-D model viz define, design, develop, and disseminate. Passed the validation phase of the expert, the initial revition, to the empirical validation of the result of the test trials on State University of Medan mathematics student. The outcomes obtained that the standard tests instruments developed are valid.
doi:10.4108/eai.18-10-2018.2287398 fatcat:nztbja2gibb3ddy5vxk4hrqihe