Developing a learning system with gamification elements

Lyudmila Korobova, Irina Tolstova, Svetlana Chernyaeva, Nataliya Datsenko, Ekaterina Savvina, Irina Matytsina
2022 AIP Conference Proceedings  
In the course of the development of information technologies in the field of education, one cannot fail to note the significant growth and development of project-based and play-based approaches, which are gradually being introduced at all levels of both public and private educational institutions. This leads to the need to develop universal solutions aimed at simplifying and improving the cognitive process, as well as its automation, because what kind of knowledge and skills future generations
more » ... ill have depended on the results of such work. The subject of this study is to consider the development and application of a gamified application in the process of teaching students. The paper proposes a model of a student learning system in the context of the use of gamification elements in the educational process, which can increase interactivity and learning outcomes.
doi:10.1063/5.0104273 fatcat:d7gmh5emhvchda2dxo35ifmonq