Speech Recognition Scores Related to Age and Degree of Hearing Impairment in DFNA2/KCNQ4 and DFNA9/COCH

Steven J. H. Bom, Els M. R. De Leenheer, François X. Lemaire, Martijn H. Kemperman, Wim I. M. Verhagen, Henri A. M. Marres, Henricus P. M. Kunst, Robbert J. H. Ensink, Arjan J. Bosman, Guy Van Camp, Frans P. M. Cremers, Patrick L. M. Huygen (+1 others)
2001 Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery  
Objective: To analyze the relationship between puretone hearing threshold and speech recognition performance in DFNA2/KCNQ4 and DFNA9/COCH, 2 types of high-frequency nonsyndromic hearing impairment. Design: Case series with cross-sectional analysis of phoneme recognition scores related to age and hearing level. Setting: University hospital. Patients: Forty-five members of 4 separate families, all carrying 1 of 3 different mutations in the KCNQ4 gene at the DFNA2 locus (1p34); 42 members of 7 separate families, all carrying the same Pro51Ser
doi:10.1001/archotol.127.9.1045 pmid:11556850 fatcat:hx3f4xxcerfwnnkokk33bzip6q