Numerical investigation of temperature distribution in blast furnace hearth

Divyesh Ubale, Prafulla Ubale
2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
Erosion of the Blast Furnace hearth affects the life of the Blast Furnace. High temperature across the molten iron and hearth makes it difficult to measure temperature in real life. Temperature prediction inside the hearth is a complex process as it involves conjugate heat transfer. A CFD model is developed for analysing the temperature distribution across slag, molten iron and hearth. It is essential for estimating the life of Blast Furnace and the wear rate of hearth. Three different cases
more » ... analysed and the temperature profiles are plotted. The CFD results are validated with the published experimental results in the literature. Only temperature effects are considered and natural convection effect is neglected for the analysis of hearth.
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/691/1/012032 fatcat:6ktsx7qjfjhbhe5kkr2cg2bdgq