AODV based Service Discovery Protocol with Two Hop Neighbor Information

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
AdHoc networks are self-sustained infrastructure less networks which survives on mutual cooperation by sharing resources. To share the resources as services it is important to be able to advertise available services and discover the required services. Service discovery that is performed in application layer can be benefitted when performed at network layer since it reduces the control message. Therefore the message format of AODV protocol was extended to include service discovery and service
more » ... ertisements. We propose a method to extend the hello messages of AODV protocol further to include the service information available with the 2-Hop neighbors. To reduce the storage overhead every node would only store the availability of a particular service. Thereby to access the services available at a 2- hop distance the process of service discovery is not required only a uncast message can be sent. This approach has been able to reduce the service acquisition latenc.y
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d8574.118419 fatcat:nkzpyrbmuvcivcswlnkvdygwey