Preparation of hybrid transparent electrodes of silver nanowires and chemically converted graphene on abitrary substrate at low temperature

Thu Thi Hoang, Hoa Tran My Huynh, Trung Quang Tran
2015 Science and Technology Development Journal  
Graphene has been enjoyed significant recent attention due to its potential applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices. Graphene is usually prepared via Hummers' method or modified Hummers' methods. These methods are the most suitable for the large-scale production of single graphene at low cost. But their main drawbacks are the use of strong oxidizing agents which make graphene films separating into small sheets and this extremely decrease the electrical conductivity of graphene.
more » ... ein, we report an inexpensive, fast and facile method for preparation of a double layer structured transparent, flexible hybrid electrode from silver nanowires (Ag NWs) with chemically converted graphene (CCG) coating on arbitrary substrate. These films dramatically decreases the resistance of graphene films and exhibited high optical transmittance (82.4 %) and low sheet resistance (18 Ω/ sq), which is comparable to ITO transparent electrode. The ratio of direct conductivity to optical conductivity DC/OP = 104 of this electrode is very close to that displayed by commercially available ITO. Especially, the whole fabrication process is carried out at low temperature. The graphene films are spin coated directly on the substrate without transferring therefore eliminating troubles that are brought from the transfer method.
doi:10.32508/stdj.v18i3.818 fatcat:5m5hwalnurgajhjcfbc7u6j5tu