Enhanced Model of Collaboration and Social Capital: Hampton Roads All Hazards Advisory Committee: A Replication Study [thesis]

Adale M. Martin
To address the call for improving the understanding of collaboration in public policy, this dissertation is designed to validate a study by Morris, Gibson, Leavitt, and Jones (2013), entitled, The Case for Grassroots Collaboration: Social Capital and Ecosystem Restoration at the Local Level. The Enhanced Model of Collaboration (EMC), which was developed to explore collaboration and social capital deriving from grassroots efforts, will be applied to examine agency-based regional collaboration in
more » ... southeastern Virginia. The population for this study is the members of the Hampton Roads All Hazards Advisory Committee (AHAC). Members include representatives of local, state, and federal government agencies, military, private industry, nonprofit organizations, health institutions, and universities. The AHAC collaboration presents an opportunity to examine the extent to which the EMC can be used to explain collaboration in an agency-based collaboration. Using both collaboration and social capital theories, this concurrent mixed methods case study investigates the constructs in the EMC, which includes context, process, output, outcomes, and social capital in a regional emergency management committee (REMC). The data is collected through interviews, documentation analysis, and a web survey. The survey and interview questions are modified from the original study to accommodate the distinct context of the Hampton Roads AHAC setting. Findings from this study contribute to a general understanding of agency-based collaboration and social capital at the local government level. As a replication study, this research also serves to validate propositions of the original study as well as strengthen and clarify research findings in relation to collaboration and social capital. The results of this study provide evidence that the Enhanced Model of Collaboration framework is limited in its capacity to research collaboration and social capital constructs in an agency-based setting. Therefore, the Enhanced Model of Agency-Based Collabora [...]
doi:10.25777/m1pd-pt02 fatcat:2dgqfzgbvffiphywj3qwk6267a