Soft Hubbard Gaps in Disordered Itinerant Models with Short-Range Interaction

Hiroshi Shinaoka, Masatoshi Imada
2009 Physical Review Letters  
We study the Anderson-Hubbard model in the Hartree-Fock approximation and the exact diagonalization under the coexistence of short-range interaction and diagonal disorder. We show that there exist unconventional soft gaps, where the single-particle (SP) density of states (DOS) A follows a scaling in energy E as A(E)∝[-(-γ |E-E_F|)^d] irrespective of electron filling and long-range order. Here, d is the spatial dimension, E_F the Fermi energy and γ a non-universal constant. We propose a
more » ... ley energy landscape as their origin. Possible experiments to verify the present theory are proposed.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.102.016404 pmid:19257220 fatcat:xc6fmupbhjen3p3b3wc5wptoi4