Applying the ADDIE—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation—Instructional Design Model to Continuing Professional Development for Primary Care Physicians in Saudi Arabia

Rabaa K. Almomen, David Kaufman, Haifa Alotaibi, Noura Abdullah Al-Rowais, Mohamad Albeik, Saad M. Albattal
2016 International journal of clinical medicine  
Corresponding author. R. K. Almomen et al. 539 ledge and expertise; 2) The ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) model provides an established and useful structure for creating effective CPD programs; 3) The ADDIE process ensures that physicians' appropriate learning needs are met effectively; 4) The evaluation phase of the ADDIE process provides feedback that can lead to improvement in the CPD program's future iterations.
doi:10.4236/ijcm.2016.78059 fatcat:ya6qfvz4afcjlpkgq35sdvj45a