Research of antioxidant properties of grape marc extracts as perspective pharmaceutical and cosmetic products

A. R. Skira, Lviv Polytechnic National University, O. S. Iaremkevych, N. L. Zayarnyuk, M. S. Kurka, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv Polytechnic National University
2020 Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances  
The antioxidant activity (AA) of various extracts of grape marc (Vitis vinifera L.) was studied. Radical absorption activity (RAA) was calculated in reactions with DPPH+ and ABTS•+ radicals and AA in rat liver homogenate by two markers of oxidative stress (OS): contents of thiobarbiturative products and carbonyl groups of proteins. All the extracts showed antioxidant activity. Water-based extract and 96 % ethanol extract obtained via heat bath method were inhibitors of the formation of free
more » ... cal oxidation of lipids and proteins. 96% ethanol extract is promising for the development of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
doi:10.23939/ctas2020.02.079 fatcat:nizpj75lxvhhdotzmlrroopbba