Intelligent Home Automation System Using BitVoicer

Muhammad Aamir Aman
Home automation system (HAS) finds its applications and become popular worldwide now a days. It makes the life easier and flexible and also guarantees a security to the user. HAS has the capability to control the home appliances such as fans, light etc. That is operated at 230 V A.C. These appliances can be controlled through a simple voice command. HAS gives the feedback to the user and hence a virtual environment has been created between them. This virtual environment feels to the user and he
more » ... is talking to the other person. This concept is not popular in developing nations as compared to the developed because of its cost. This is decision based interative system so these are heavily coded. The proposed methodology gives the VCHAS based on ZigBee and Wi-Fi network both are incorporated through a joint gateway. The attempt to control the appliances without any physical efforts by the user makes the approach more dependable, friendly and interactive, makes it more authentic and realistic in nature. 254 required to fill it up in that field. This field has a lot of potentials as compared to the mobile communication. With the inauguration of this technique, will bring the comforts in the people's lives. This is the start of new era of automated things used in homes and offices. That will give a huge easiness with the little efforts [IV][V] [VI].
doi:10.26782/jmcms.2019.08.00020 fatcat:dcdc7xea3rdudk4v7ndpqjcfy4